« 海运到东京需要几天?CALCUTTA国际运输LEBANON »

哥斯达尼加:Puerto Caldera 卡尔德拉港 Kingston牙买加,金斯敦

巴拿马: Colon Free zone科隆 Panama City巴拿马城 Manzanillo(P) 曼萨尼约角

萨尔瓦多:Acajutla阿卡胡特拉 San Salvador圣萨尔瓦多 Corinto尼加拉瓜,科林托

危地马拉:Puerto Quetzal(San Jose)圣何塞 Guatemala City危地马拉城

哥斯达尼加:Puerto Caldera 卡尔德拉港 Puerto Limon利蒙港

加勒比海委内瑞拉:La Guaira拉瓜伊拉 Puerto Cabello卡贝略港

Kingston牙买加,金斯敦 Rio Haina多尖尼加共和国,艾讷 Port of spain特立尼达,西班牙

南美东阿根廷:Buenosaires 布宜诺斯艾利斯 Victoria维多利亚 Montevideo乌拉圭,蒙德维的亚

巴西:Paranagua巴拉那瓜 Santos 桑托斯 Rio Grande 里奥格兰德 Rio De Jameiro里约热内卢 Itajai依塔雅尔

美西Buenventura 哥伦比亚,布埃纳文图拉 Callao秘鲁,卡亚俄 Guayaquil厄瓜多尔,瓜亚基尔

智利:Iquique 伊基克 Valparaiso瓦尔帕莱索 Arica阿里卡 San Antonia圣安东尼奥

北非阿尔及利亚:Algiers阿尔及尔 Skikda斯克基达 Oran奥兰

Casablanca摩洛哥,卡萨布兰卡 Tunis突尼斯,突尼 Las Palmas 加那利群岛,拉斯帕尔马斯 利比亚:Tripoli的黎波里 Benghazi班加西

东非莫桑比克:Beira贝拉 Maputo马普托 Dar Es Salaam坦桑尼亚,达累斯萨拉姆Export by air
• Division I export air freight level, can be arranged door to door service.
• pick up, the agents seized, customs agents, delivery door services.
• Shenzhen Airport, Huanggang, Man Kam To crossings flexible to deal with difficult clearance of goods.
• Hong Kong, Shenzhen, Guangzhou Airport, dozens of internationally renowned airlines direct and intermediate parts of the world's freight business, and many airlines have established close cooperative relations, the tariff advantages under the premise of ensuring accommodation.
• imported by air
Through the network of agents around the world, we provide customers with export goods door to door service.
Customs agents, customs clearance, supervision of transshipment, commodity inspection, animal and plant quarantine and sanitation inspection business.
• For ordinary non-stop goods imported by air, we will be in accordance with the needs of customers, the arrangement of goods directly from abroad in major cities.
• For imports by air to transit, or cumbersome import clearance of air cargo, we will be flexible to select multiple ports and a variety of customs clearance, to ensure smooth and timely import air cargo transported to all parts of the country, time and cost savings for customers .
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